About the antistatic properties of artificial turf

As people pay more attention to the environmental protection performance, sports comfort performance, and high simulation performance of artificial turf, the production process and product performance of artificial grass silk are constantly updated and improved with the change in demand. The main raw materials of artificial turf are mainly polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). burns. […]

Learn about the flame-retardant properties of artificial turf.

With the wide popularization, application, and promotion of artificial turf in the market, it is not only used in football, rugby, tennis, hockey, and other sports venues but also widely used in kindergarten construction, municipal greening, family courtyards, other leisure places. Its application range also extends from outdoor sports venues to indoor leisure places, so […]

The difference between artificial turf and natural turf

We can often see artificial turf in football fields, school playgrounds, indoor and outdoor landscape gardens. Do you know the difference between artificial turf and natural turf? This article talks about. The difference between artificial turf and natural turf Weather resistance: The use of natural lawns is easily limited by seasons and weather, and natural […]

How to judge whether artificial turf is aging?

Artificial turf was born in the United States in the 1960s, introduced to China in the late 1980s, and was not widely promoted until the mid-to-late 1990s. After a long period of development, artificial grass technology has become relatively mature, and many technical indicators are close to natural grass. Whether artificial turf is used as […]

What are the types of artificial grass field foundations?

Artificial turf fields have appeared more and more and are used in people’s daily sports life. A complete artificial turf sports system is mainly composed of three parts: base layer, buffer layer and turf layer. The ground foundation is not only one of the most important links in the laying of the entire artificial turf, […]